About Oreyome
Oreyome the Oracle is able to provide answers to life’s confusing questions, provide direction and protection, and keep individuals on their path toward personal prosperity with peace of mind. Oreyome the Oracle uses the Ancestral and Guardian Angel force to tap into and reveal the predictive positive and/or negative energies associated with life events, permitting individuals to make informed decisions that are in their best interest.
The word Oreyome figuratively means, “ORI saved me”. Within the Yoruba culture, the belief is held that in the individual’s heaven or superconscious world resides an entity called ORI, which oversees the individual’s existence from the spiritual dimension.
The ORI was with the soul as it chose the lessons to be learned during its incarnation, thus it was witness as the soul chose its destiny. ORI, practically speaking, is that aspect of universal intelligence that resides in man, guiding and protecting him. Some in the West might associate the ORI with the notion of “guardian angel.”